ClassicPress Documentation Hub

Announcing the ClassicPress Documentation Hub We’re excited to announce the ClassicPress Documentation Hub is finally alive and kicking! Many of you probably have visited the previous documentation a few times and then stopped doing so because there was not much information to be used.  One of the major problems was that someone Developing with ClassicPress needed to rely […]

Robbie Mann Showcase

Creating the Robbie Mann website Client: Robbie Mann Website URL: Built by: Simply Computing Your website URL: What is the purpose of the site? Did the client come to you with a particular problem that needed to be solved? The site is designed as a showcase for early jazz pianist, Robbie Mann. It […]

Message from Scott Bowler

ClassicPress was founded with a simple principle: that all decisions were community led and that a single person couldn’t force through their desires.    My goal with ClassicPress was to create an organisation that could flourish without a figurehead and could continue into the future without relying on a traditional power structure (and to avoid […]

Meet the Community: Tim Kaye

ClassicPress Slack Handle: Tim Kaye ClassicPress Forum Handle: timkaye Social media handles: I’m on LinkedIn, but otherwise I don’t do social media: I’m on the web enough as it is, and so much of social media is just nasty. Website: Where in the world are you located? I’m British, but I live in Florida, […]

Meet the Community: Ilya Ivanov

Your name: Ilya Ivanov ClassicPress Slack Handle: @norske ClassicPress Forum Handle: @norske Social media handles: @norskes (Instagram & Facebook) Where in the world are you located? Vitebsk, Belarus. Website: Oh, that’s funny. I’ve been building and supporting websites for ages, but have no personal one since ~2010 🙂 Typically once a year I think “Well, […]