What’s new at ClassicPress in the last 6 months?

ClassicPress Update

If you have been visiting this site for the past few months, you have probably asked yourself what was happening around the ClassicPress project. Well, fear not! There is a lot going on. Unfortunately it has not made its way onto this blog until now.

So without further ado, let’s dive in and explore what has been happening.

Most recent updates from teams

The February team update and January marketing meeting transcript capture the current state of many of the project activities of the past few months. Some highlights include:

  • Travis CI is no longer offering automated testing and continuous integration to open source projects. The running of tests for ClassicPress Core had to be moved to GitHub Actions. This has been completed. Regular work on pull requests and the next release has since resumed.
  • The next ClassicPress release will be version 1.3.0. Patches are lining up to be included. Most notably, this will fix issues around migrating to ClassicPress from WordPress 5.6 or higher.
  • The voting system for petitions (requests for major changes and new features) has been migrated to the forums. The old petitions system is now in read-only mode. New petitions should be started from this forum category.
  • There is a new slogan and tagline, as can be seen on the main site.

The Q1 2021 directors report has more information on some of these topics as well. It also provides some outlook on planned activities.

Updates of ClassicPress plugins

Several plugins have had more than one update since the release of ClassicPress 1.2.0 in September. More are now integrating with the Update manager plugin by CodePotent. For a full list of updates, check the forum. Also, make sure your plugins are always up to date for best security and stability.

Notable new petitions

The Petitions category on the forum now carries the petitions transferred from the old system. You can still vote on these by liking the individual post. There are also a few new petitions that have been started since the migration.

Most notably, and probably also involving the most work, Code_Potent petitions for the upgrade of the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor from the now end-of-life’d version 4 to the current version 5. This will be a good improvement. Once done, it will mean that ClassicPress is again future-proof in this area and not reliant on technology that is no longer being maintained by the original authors.

Code_Potent also has a suggestion to add the ability to filter comment types based on what content type the comment was added to. If you like this idea, give it your thumbs up!

GraysonPeddie has another suggestion: Turn off wpautop. This petition received quite some discussion of the pros and cons of the suggestion, so go check it out if this is something that interests you.

In summary

As you can gather from the above, the project is alive and kicking, and the next updates are just around the corner. So come back here frequently, or grab the RSS feed, to stay up to date. And definitely check out the forums to find or help with questions, tips, tutorials, internationalization, and other topics.

Notable Replies

  1. <p>So GLAD to see y’all carrying this on… I’ve been a devoted user of CP ever since it was first deployed&comma; and have it on ALL my websites now&excl;<&sol;p>

  2. <p>This post was really needed… thanks for putting it together&excl;<&sol;p>&NewLine;<p>I think developer logins for the directory are coming soon&comma; too&period; <img src&equals;"https&colon;&sol;&sol;forums&period;classicpress&period;net&sol;images&sol;emoji&sol;twitter&sol;smiley&period;png&quest;v&equals;12" title&equals;"&colon;smiley&colon;" class&equals;"emoji" alt&equals;"&colon;smiley&colon;" loading&equals;"lazy" width&equals;"20" height&equals;"20"><&sol;p>&NewLine;<p>I didn’t notice that a voting system had been added here on the forums – am I totally missing it&quest; I’m going to feel so dumb if it is super obvious&period; …and on my petitions&comma; I asked people to do a thumbs-up as a means to vote&period; Oops&excl;<&sol;p>

  3. Avatar for james james says:

    <aside class&equals;"quote no-group" data-username&equals;"anon71687268" data-post&equals;"3" data-topic&equals;"3104">&NewLine;<div class&equals;"title">&NewLine;<div class&equals;"quote-controls"><&sol;div>&NewLine;<img loading&equals;"lazy" alt&equals;"" width&equals;"24" height&equals;"24" src&equals;"https&colon;&sol;&sol;forums&period;classicpress&period;net&sol;letter&lowbar;avatar&lowbar;proxy&sol;v4&sol;letter&sol;a&sol;89288f&sol;48&period;png" class&equals;"avatar"> anon71687268&colon;<&sol;div>&NewLine;<blockquote>&NewLine;<p>I didn’t notice that a voting system had been added here on the forums – am I totally missing it&quest;<&sol;p>&NewLine;<&sol;blockquote>&NewLine;<&sol;aside>&NewLine;<p>&OpenCurlyDoubleQuote;The voting system for petitions &lpar;requests for major changes and new features&rpar; has been migrated to the forums” - to clarify&comma; this refers to the petitions system in general&period; For now&comma; voting for petitions on the forums is still done via the normal like mechanism &sol; heart icon&period;<&sol;p>

Continue the discussion at forums.classicpress.net


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