The i18n Team is Back on Track

After the COVID crisis, the huge endeavor our core team undertook to release ClassicPress v2 (codename Bella) by re-forking WordPress, the release of the new plugins and themes directory with its integration plugin, and all the ongoing work that resulted in a big improvement in the migration plugin — not to mention all the accessibility and clean up work happening at the same time behind the scenes — we are proud to announce that i18n Team is back!

Thanks to all of the people on the core team who took care of setting up the system allowing the Crowdin platform to source the correct strings to translate for the project! With patience and dedication they took the time to learn the ins and outs of this tool (which is a computer assisted translation tool, CAT for short, and has nothing to do with writing software since it belongs in the localization realm). Thanks also to all the people who made themselves available to localize ClassicPress, and who discussed the way to make progress in a sustainable way, gave advice, shared experience and supported the i18n Team. Without your support there would not be an i18n Team.

Where to Help

Since we are now ready to start localizing the project again, this announcement serves as a call to action for all the people wanting to dedicate some time to help translate ClassicPress. You can ask for access to Crowdin by replying to this announcement in the forum or by dropping a line in the #i18n channel on Zulip. To grant access the managers will need a valid email address to send you an invite to ClassicPress space on Crowdin Enterprise.

Default Theme

There has been a discussion about localizing the first ClassicPress default theme that will be packaged with ClassicPress in a future release. The theme will have its own project in the ClassicPress workspace. We will announce when it is ready for localization. As of now we think the priority goes to ClassicPress core, so as to be able to support all our users with updated translations.

How to Help

You can find a tutorial for Crowdin here.

It covers the following:

  • how to generate correct .pot files to localize ClassicPress in your software of choice and reupload the localized strings to Crowdin
  • how to request access to Crowdin Enterprise
  • how to use Crowdin
  • how to manage tags in Crowdin and why it is best not to mass correct them
  • what to do when in doubt

Thanks for helping to make ClassicPress great software worldwide!